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Lighting Up Lives
a project funded by
United States Department of State

The project will primarily focus on advanced skill development in designing very low cost LED lights and advanced repairing techniques. The mission is innovative as it focuses not only on education of efficient use of energy but addresses the environmental and climate change concerns by developing skills to repair the damaged units.


150 participants from 75 villages of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Telangana and North East states will be trained. by experts in five residential workshops in a course of a year. The participants will include youth, women, especially able people and even inmates of correction homes.

An innovative idea to have a lasting impact on environment

India is presently the fastest growing economy in the world with an astounding 7% GDP growth rate. Like any other fast growing economy the household energy use will also increase manifold and we understand that it should be ‘clean and green’. The government initiated domestic efficient lighting programme (DELP) in the country faces challenges on two counts (a) educating the populace on efficient use of energy which is environment friendly having minimal impact on climate change and (b) preparing and training for advanced skills to repair and recycle the used lights for sustained development. The project extends its impact in imparting skills to build and repair efficient LED lights and prepare people for future.

If efficient LED bulbs are used extensively, as it consumes less power, then it will certainly stabilize or reduce carbon emission which is the prime need of the hour not only for the country but for our planet also.

Project dates
Sep'16 -- Aug'17
Partner organization:
(Society of Pollution & Environmental
Conservation Scientists)

Village Kandauli

Dehradun, India

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Society of Pollution & Environmental Conservation Scientists (SPECS) primarily works in the field of efficient energy sources. SPECS will provide contacts of trainees, workshop and lodging space, co-trainers, hands-on tools and simple electronic kits at a cost sharing basis.

The Secretary of SPECS, Mr. Brij Mohan Sharma is a National and Uttarakhand State Award winner in the field of renewable and efficient energy resources. Over the past decade Dr. Sharma has also developed low cost water purification kit and has played a key role in popularizing science in rural, semi-urban and urban areas.

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